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Looking for a comprehensive way to teach your students the Sh digraph sound and -ck spelling pattern? Look no further than our Sh Digraph Sound and ck Spelling Pattern Phonics Slides, designed for use in large group or virtual instruction.


With non-editable slides featuring clear fonts, photographs, and artwork, you can easily customize the presentation to meet your specific needs. This product follows the lesson sequence of the Foundational Phonics curriculum, and includes Week 2 lessons, covering Sh digraphs, -ck spelling patterns, and six high frequency words.


Educators who have used our Foundational Phonics materials have seen significant improvements in their students' reading abilities, and we're confident that you'll see the same results in your classroom.


Foundational Phonics Level 2 Unit: Week 2 Lessons

1. Digraphs 3: Sh

2. Digraphs 4: -sh

3. Words 1: where, to, put, of, said, have

4. C+K: -ck Spelling Pattern

5. Week 2 Checkup: Formative Assessment

Sh Digraph Sound and ck Spelling Pattern Phonics Slides | PowerPoint 6

$2.00 Regular Price
$1.60Sale Price
  • pptx – 50 slides

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